Quantum Chemistry 2nd Edition Donald Mcquarrie Quantum
Find more information about:ISBN:5521OCLC Number:835350107Description:1 vol. (VIII-646 p.); 28 cmContents:Preface -1. The Dawn of the Quantum Theory -A. Complex Numbers -2. The Classical Wave Equation -B. Probability and Statistics -3. The Schrodinger Equation and a Particle in a Box -C.
The Postulates and General Principles of Quantum Mechanics -D. Series and Limits -5.
The harmonic Oscillator and Vibrational Spectroscopy -E. Spherical Coordinates -6. The Rigid Rotator and Rotational Spectroscopy -F. Determinants -7. The Hydrogen Atom -G. Matrices -8.
Approximation Methods -H. Matrix Eigenvalue Problems -9. Many-Electron Atoms -10. The Chemical Bond: One- and Two-Electron Molecules -11.
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Still a best-selling text after a remarkable twenty-four years in print, Don McQuarrie has updated his landmark Quantum Chemistry into a keenly anticipated second edition. Perhaps the biggest change in the years since the first edition appeared is the proliferation of computational chemistry programs that are available to calculate molecular properties.
Product DescriptionAfter twenty-four years in print, Don McQuarrie has now updated his landmark 'Quantum Chemistry'. Perhaps the biggest change in the years since the first edition is the proliferation of computational chemistry programs that calculate molecular properties. McQuarrie has presented step-by-step SCF calculations of a helium atom in Chapter 9 and a hydrogen molecule in Chapter 10, in addition to including an entire chapter on the Hartree-Fock method and post-Hartree-Fock methods for the calculation of molecular properties. The book also uses problems to encourage the use of an invaluable National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) website that lists experimental data and the results of various ab initio calculations for hundreds of molecules. After a semester of suffering through atkins physical chemistry 9th edition for thermodynamics, I really like the fact that my instructor decided to use quantum chemistry written by mcquarrie for the quantum part of pchem. Mcquarrie definitely is a better writer than atkins, whose writing/explanations leaves students more confused with his habit of pulling equations out of thin air with no explanation and 'it is what it is' attitude.McQuarrie's book states that it was written in such a way that you should do alright with just a basic level of calculus.
While that might be true, I think you'd have to be pretty good at math in general to do well in pchem. For an intro quantum book, I think mcquarrie's is the best option out there and it's no wonder it's been around for 20+ years.The book was also written with latex so the writing is very neat. The book cover is also very conservative and professional looking, resembling that of a reference book that you might keep on your shelf one day.Only con, the binding of this book SUCKS. I used this book as a supplement to Levine in an honors Pchem class. All in all, I was pleasantly surprised by the readability of McQuarrie's text. The material is clearly presented, the progression is very well structured.
McQuarrie's lightweight presentation and mathematical asides made my journey through the material relatively smooth and rapid; a refreshing breeze after the heavy roaring of Levine's more exacting and thorough treatment of the subject.As a bonus for those of us who like to learn by doing, a very well written and comprehensive solution manual is available for the text. I've always thought that if you master a subject should be able to explain easily. That is the case with this book. The author not only dominates the issues, but in this edition features chapters of math, beautifully described, to help understand the rest of the book.
Whether you work with semiconductors, solar cells, conductive polymers, nanoscience or, in general, want to learn solid state physics, this book is essential in your library. I use it as a textbook in a graduate course entitled: Functional properties of crystals.
This course is taken from physical to chemical engineers and geologists, and the book is helpful regardless of specialty. McQuarrie's Quantum Chemistry, 2nd Edition is an excellent text for introducing serious students to quantum mechanics, applied to chemistry. The academic level of the writing is appropriate to such students, and the quality of the back-of-the-chapter problems is excellent. One can learn much more detail by working the back-of-the-chapter problems than simply by reading the text. I would recommend this text to any junior-level physical chemistry student, who is serious about learning quantum chemistry. Being serious about learning quantum chemistry means having a willingness to work long math problems and to put some effort into learning the material. If a student is not serious about learning quantum chemistry, then there are other textbooks less focused on math and more on the general concepts that such a student could use.
ORIGINAL REVIEW: Overall, this is a great text for an undergraduate chemist's introduction to quantum mechanics. The writing and derivations are clear, figures are thoughtfully used, the progression of the chapters is logical, and the index is relatively comprehensive; this makes for a very readable and useful book to both learn from and use as a quick reference. The end-of-chapter problems are also fantastic. There are tons of them, and they span the spectrum from short and easy variations of in-chapter examples to full-fledged proofs. In the more difficult problems and proofs the author walks the student through the process as a good tutor would nudge a student in the right direction.Compared to a physics text, it spends much more time on atomic/molecular applications of quantum mechanics.
Rotational and vibrational spectroscopies are covered at a basic level, and chemical bonding is covered in relative detail. On the flip side, some other really interesting applications are left out.Some things I didn’t care for:-Some important concepts are left to the problems. Tunneling, for example, was introduced in a long-form problem that went something like this: 'The idea of quantum mechanical tunneling can be demonstrated by a wave incident on a potential energy step (shows a picture). Tunneling is important in a variety of chemical processes.
(gives the equations you need, tells what they mean). Now solve for blah blah blah.' The question then asked what those things we just found might mean. Many undergraduate textbooks refer to quantum mechanical results as if there were some grand public repository of this information somewhere.
They offer the briefest of explanations, then (viola!) pull magical equations out of thin air. You end up scavenging information from sources on the internet (i.e.
HyperPhysics, Wikipedia, etc.) and wishing that someone would just collect all of these derivations/examples in the same place with consistent nomenclature and not too many assumptions about what you already know.McQuarrie's Quantum Chemistry is that collection. After spending a semester scratching my head over a truly awful textbook for the thermodynamics/stat mech part of physical chemistry, I decided to actually learn something and bought Quantum Chemistry for the quantum part. Despite the book's title, it really acts as a more general introduction to quantum mechanics. The problems, as usual for McQuarrie, are excellent and reward you for the time you spend puzzling over them. 'Math Chapters' are nominally reviews, but I found them to be concise, effective introductions to mathematical topics, many of which I had never covered. (Whoever wrote them should write a mathematics textbook.) I did very well in the course despite that (or perhaps because) this wasn't anything like the assigned textbook.
This was my quantum chemistry textbook at the university and I’ve recently returned to it for review. It is a remarkably straightforward presentation of quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry.
It is rigorous and thorough but very well organized and easy to follow. Terms are explained clearly and the examples demonstrate the application of the basic principles very well. One reason I am impressed with this text is because of the disorganized and impenetrable presentation of identical material I have seen in other texts. Quantum mechanics is not simple but it need not be inaccessible.
Once you have a basic understanding of the vocabulary and mathematical tools involved it’s actually not that difficult. But you need a good presentation, which is what this text provides.