Power Shortage Kotor 2
Refugee Landing Pad As you first enter from the, the Wookiee bounty hunter Hanharr approaches Vogga the Hutt in his enclave on the opposite side of the docks:Vogga: Ah, the mighty Hanharr. You wear your shackles well. How did your meeting with Goto go? Lethal, I hope?DialogHanharr: Only his shadow and his voice, he fears to stand before others in the flesh. He is strange prey.Vogga: I do not pay you to hunt him, but to kill him, Wookiee. Perhaps I chose unwisely - perhaps another bounty hunter scum could serve me better.Hanharr: You find no one who can hunt better than me.
Jun 17, 2014 Lootra's wife says that she can't leave the area. I talk to the guards at the entrance, and they tell me to see the Overseer. I go to the Overseer, but I don't see any dialogue options to bring up the issue. I don't even see any options to enter combat so I can kill them all.
I have walked the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk and returned with the pincers of the kinrath buried in my flesh, with the scars of battle upon him, with-Vogga: Yes, yes. And that is why Czerka found you such easy prey. I care nothing for the accomplishments of primates on some backwater world, Hanharr - I care only for your accomplishments here, upon the smuggler's moon.
But if you cannot perform the task, then perhaps the human female will serve - Mira, is it? Even nauseatingly thin and shapely and free of wrinkles, she is said to have a dancer's grace - and to be a better hunter than you.
She refuses to kill, but I imagine with enough credits, I could persuade her otherwise, especially considering what a disappointment you have proven to be.Hanharr: Speak of her again, and I will tear your tongue from your thr-As Hanharr advances angrily, the two kath hounds flanking Vogga growl at him.Vogga: These are my hounds, Hanharr, just as you are. I tell you again - find Goto. And do not return until you have done this.Hanharr: I will return, Vogga. This I swear to you.The passage ahead leads to the walkway around the perimeter of the docks.Pylon 1 To the right at the end of the walkway is a door leading to the control room for Pylon 1. The Pylon 1 console is against the middle of the back wall:Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1CONSOLE INACTIVE1. Log out.Once you've activated this console by continuing along the walkway and using the pylon power console at the junction leading to, you can examine freighter ID Signatures:DialogPylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 11. Examine freighter ID Signatures.Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1EXAMINE FREIGHTER ID SIGNATURES1.
Read ID Signature of freighter Silver Zephyr.2. Read ID Signature of freigher Toorna's Profits.3. Read ID Signature of freighter Alakandor.Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1EXAMINE FREIGHTER ID SIGNATURESONLY PARTIAL SIGNATURE LEGIBLE FROM PYLON 1Silver Zephyr: I-9.-.-.2.Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1EXAMINE FREIGHTER ID SIGNATURESONLY PARTIAL SIGNATURE LEGIBLE FROM PYLON 1Toorna's Profits: E-.-4.1-1.8Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1EXAMINE FREIGHTER ID SIGNATURESFULL SIGNATURE LEGIBLEAlakandor: S-49-491-9374. Return to Main Menu.Otherwise:2. Assign freighter priorities.Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1ASSIGN FREIGHTER PRIORITIESACCESS DENIED.ACCESS RESTRICTED TO DOCKMASTER FASSA.You need to speak to dockmaster Fassa at the junction leading to Pylon 2 before you can, although this can be done at any of the three pylon consoles.Flophouse As you go along the walkway away from, it turns right.
As you continue past the turn and approach the junction leading to, you'll see the door to the flophouse in the wall to the left. The hallway beyond turns left to another door, beyond which is another hallway to the right with doors along both walls.Vogga's Horde Beyond the first door on the left of the hallway are a Gran and an Aqualish thug. If you approach or try to speak to them:If you thought you could sneak up on us, you were wrong.They only speak when they think they're alone, so you or one of your party need to turn on mode before approaching again:DialogAqualish Thug: There's got to be a way into Vogga's chambers.Gran Thug: Vogga will decorate his chambers with our skin if he catches us.Aqualish Thug: No one's going to break open Vogga's treasure chamber. You'd have to get by his kath hounds, his guards, him, then break the lock.Gran Thug: Not going to happen - if you could even get admitted to see him, which is not possible.Aqualish Thug: Kath hounds can be put to sleep - and so can Vogga. If you can get past the guards, it's just you and the lock, simple.Gran Thug: How would you put them to sleep?Aqualish Thug: They're kath hounds - juma juice from the cantina will put them out in seconds. As for Vogga, you'd need a tub of it, but it's possible.Gran Thug: Too bad he fed that one dancer to the kath hounds.
Genius g pen 560 free driver download official for mac. Dancing always used to tire him out.Aqualish Thug: How can anyone get tired watching dancing?Gran Thug: This is Vogga - just the effort of following a dancer with his eyes is more exertion than he's used to.Journal Entry Added: Vogga's HordeYou overheard two thieves plotting to break into the chambers of Vogga the Hutt. They said Vogga's kath hounds could be put to sleep by putting juma juice in their water and Vogga himself could fall asleep by watching a dancer. You might want to check at the cantina to see if they have any juma juice.Experience Points (XP) Received:. 100 Overheard two thieves plottingThe second door on the left of the hallway is locked, but the room beyond is empty except for a metal box in the back right corner.DoorUnlock21 (1)Resist5Vitality20Item(s) Received: Metal Box.?Beyond the first door in the right wall are three Mandalorians, the leader in the middle. If you speak to either of the two others:Walking into other people's apartments on Nar Shaddaa is a good recipe for a short life.
Remember that.You can speak to the leader:DialogMandalorian: Not a very good idea, entering a Mandalorian's room uninvited. Why don't you back up to the point where you were standing outside the door and rethink your decision.3. I'll be going now.Otherwise:1. I'm pretty comfortable right here.2. A Mandalorian with a sense of humor?Mandalorian: You've got some guts, don't you?
Alright, you've earned it. What do you want?Mandalorian: There are a few of us in the galaxy. Now, what do you want?3. I'll be going now.Otherwise:2. Anything you have of value.Mandalorian: Why don't you back up to the point in time where you were about to say that, and rethink your decision.2. Give me anything you have of value.Mandalorian: Guts or a death wish.
Tell you what, I'll do us both a favor and pretend you didn't say that.Otherwise:1. Nothing, just looking around.1. I was just looking around.Mandalorian: Enjoy yourself.If you speak to him again:Mandalorian: I thought we already went over this.1. I'm a slow learner.2.
I just wanted to talk to you.3. You're right - I'll be going now.Mandalorian: You're not going to survive long on Nar Shaddaa if you don't change that. You cannot receive robes or armor before level 4, or upgrade items for lightsabers before level 10. You may also receive a. However, if an item is already equipped by your main character or in your inventory, then the next highest item of that type which you don't already have is received instead: this should not happen for items only equipped by your party or in containers elsewhere, or any upgrade items already in armor and weapons.If you try to use any of the pylon consoles again:Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLONASSIGN FREIGHTER PRIORITIESFREIGHTER PRIORITIES ALREADY ASSIGNED.Power Shortage Fassa: Good, good.
I give you basic access to pylon consoles. From pylon you can read ID Signature of freighters. You figure out what order the three freighters should dock. Freighter with higher first two numbers has higher priority. If first two numbers tied, then higher last three numbers has higher priority. For example, P-11-115-999 has lower priority than D-15-154-111. One more thing.
First two numbers are always the same as the first two numbers in the second set of numbers. You can read freighter ID from pylons. But hard to get full signature ID from each pylon. Use pylon power console near me to change which pylon is powered up.
You go check ID Signatures from each pylon and then you assign priorities to the three freighters.Journal Entry Added: Power Shortage: Bonus MissionFassa is having trouble directing all of the freighters. The docking pylon power supply is damaged and only one pylon can be powered at a time. A power console near Fassa controls which pylon has power. Each pylon has a command console, but these are only active when that pylon has power.1. I'll do my best.This quest can be effectively completed if you resolve the predicament of the Ithorian trader, in the flophouse by helping Fassa assign the correct docking priority to, or making a deal with him for Lasavvou's power cells, but you don't receive any experience for this.If you ask for, and receive, a cryogenic power cell from Lasavvou beforehand then you can use the pylon power console to install it and fix the pylon power supply. However, the power cell can also be used to fix the airspeeder in the Refugee Quad, and you receive the same experience if you or one of your party can fix it with sufficient skill in (and at least one ):4.
Install Cryogenic Power Cell.5. Computer Use (13) Optimize power distribution.