Hi The passenger-side door lock for my fiat punto 2001 (Y-Reg) on the inside of the door is jammed and the tooth wont go up inside the door and thus the door wont close. The latching mechanism seems dirty and seized I can get the tooth to go up partially by sticking a screw driver into the trough at the bottom which I imagine creates space for.

Read more about Lucida Grande on wikipedia: here. I’m offering the TTF file as a download here strictly for those wishing to test how Lucida Grande renders on Windows, who also legally own the right to ‘possess’ the typeface by owning a legitimate copy of OS X or Safari. Lucida-grande.zip Implementation. Download Lucida Grande, font family Lucida Grande by with Regular weight and style, download file name is lucidagr.ttf. As the name suggests, this is a small utility to set Lucida Grande as your Mac's system font. Easily switch between Lucida Grande and San Francisco as your Mac's system font on macOS Mojave (10.14), macOS High Sierra (10.13), macOS Sierra (10.12) and OS X El Capitan (10.11). Download font lucida grande for mac. Lucida Grande Yosemite is a small Apple Automator application which makes it possible to use the traditional Mac OS X system-font 'Lucida Grande' on OS X 10.

Ditto, you have to get the card off to see what's going on.There's a good guide on the site for that.If you can't lock it from the inside, and the key is not working either, then it's most likely that the door lock mechanism is1. It's fairly unlikely that the lock barrel AND the lock button are not working simultaneously).You could try a blast of WD40 (I would), you never know your luck.Of course, that's not a permanent solution, but it might help you diagnose the fault. Hello good sir - it is probably too late for a reply as it was a year ago but I am going to post my findings anyway. I had a similar problem to you in that my passenger side door would not lock properly. In fact getting the thing to lock at all was impossible sometimes. The key did not want to turn and when it did the locks would close then pop back up again within a second.The issue that I had was my front driver side door had dropped and the alignment was out. Once I took the door off and realigned the thing then, miraculously, the passenger side door is now locking and staying locked.

There is no more jamming when trying to lock it and the job is really a good one.To get the door off simply undo the strap catch on the door, remove the two screws on the hinges and lift the door off. This is now the tricky part. You won't have enough room to fit a wrench and socket onto the hinge bolts to readjust the hinges. I used a hex bit and a spanner to loosen my brackets. Readjust the brackets a little and also the catch built into the car (close to the seat belt). CLOSE THAT DOOR REAL SLOW!!