Fallout 4 Nuka World Download
This is quite a tricky question, as much depends on your playstyle/weaponary/character RP/how you want to set up your settlements and so on.I went to Nuka at level 40 on survival, best thing I ever did. I literally got to level 50 after finishing the last quest. Felt perfectly balanced for my full auto, no vats, 1 endurance character. Although I did feel kind of burnt out afterwards.Far Harbor I went at about level 35, after Automatron, and with a different scientist character, I didn't enjoy it as much. It was also much easier than Nuka World. For Far Harbor, I think going alone without companions at around level 15-20 would be better. I'm currently playing Far Harbor with a level 5 character and its too hard.You might want to consider if you should even do both Nuka/Far Harbor on the same character.
I cap my characters around level 50 to 60 as they just get too powerful otherwise. Check out my reviews on all three DLC (Nuka, Far Harbor, Automatron), they might be interesting if you're playing survival.
Originally posted by:This is quite a tricky question, as much depends on your playstyle/weaponary/character RP/how you want to set up your settlements and so on.I went to Nuka at level 40 on survival, best thing I ever did. I literally got to level 50 after finishing the last quest. Felt perfectly balanced for my full auto, no vats, 1 endurance character.
Fallout 4 Nuka World Doesnt start i have downloaded the DLC, and when i start the game and play the quest all aboard shows up, saying i need to listen to the nuka radio station. However when i listen to it there is no sound at all, and no new objectives! Does anyone know a way to fix this, or use the console commands to skip this?
Although I did feel kind of burnt out afterwards.Far Harbor I went at about level 35, after Automatron, and with a different scientist character, I didn't enjoy it as much. It was also much easier than Nuka World. For Far Harbor, I think going alone without companions at around level 15-20 would be better. I'm currently playing Far Harbor with a level 5 character and its too hard.You might want to consider if you should even do both Nuka/Far Harbor on the same character. I cap my characters around level 50 to 60 as they just get too powerful otherwise.

Check out my reviews on all three DLC (Nuka, Far Harbor, Automatron), they might be interesting if you're playing survival.Thanks. In terms of settlement stuff, I have everything planned out. I have planned out which settlements im going to take over for raiders and which will stay with the minutemen, and have set up my supply lines so that when I take over a settlement it won't disrupt any of the remaining minutemen settlements.I literally just need to think of a roleplay reason to start the DLC.My character is geared more towards having low endurance but makes up for it by having high intelligence and creating robots to help fight. However I can easily win fights without a companion if needed. I was just going for that rust devil playstyle. I imagine I would bring an automatron to do the gauntlet with and then switch to using Gage because he's the DLC companion. Hmm, you might be planning it out too much if it's your first time.
I didn't even know about the Gauntlet until I did it, and I died at the end haha. That was tough to take. I just went in with a ton of water bottles.Yeah I used Gage for some of my Nuka World playthrough, he fits in pretty good for a raider char. My RP reason was that while I was a sort of an outlaw, I hadn't really formulated an understanding of raider culture, so thought it was best to seek out this community I had heard rumors about. (or something like that).
Originally posted by:Hmm, you might be planning it out too much if it's your first time. I didn't even know about the Gauntlet until I did it, and I died at the end haha.
That was tough to take. I just went in with a ton of water bottles.Yeah I used Gage for some of my Nuka World playthrough, he fits in pretty good for a raider char. My RP reason was that while I was a sort of an outlaw, I hadn't really formulated an understanding of raider culture, so thought it was best to seek out this community I had heard rumors about. (or something like that).Not my first time with the game. Just my first time with this DLC. I've got over 700 hours played over vanilla and automatron on PS4 but moved to PC recently and got all the DLC. I never finished far harbor on PS4 and never even had nuka world on PS4 either so I felt like becoming a raider this time.I'm pretty well versed with the game and survival mode (about 400 of those 700 hours are on survival) but my only experience with nuka world has come from youtube videos.
Planning out my settlements is something I've done for almost every playthrough but this time I've incorporated raider settlements into it. Originally posted by:Hmm, you might be planning it out too much if it's your first time. I didn't even know about the Gauntlet until I did it, and I died at the end haha. That was tough to take. I just went in with a ton of water bottles.Yeah I used Gage for some of my Nuka World playthrough, he fits in pretty good for a raider char. My RP reason was that while I was a sort of an outlaw, I hadn't really formulated an understanding of raider culture, so thought it was best to seek out this community I had heard rumors about. Advanced business english pdf.
(or something like that).Not my first time with the game. Just my first time with this DLC.
I've got over 700 hours played over vanilla and automatron on PS4 but moved to PC recently and got all the DLC. I never finished far harbor on PS4 and never even had nuka world on PS4 either so I felt like becoming a raider this time.I'm pretty well versed with the game and survival mode (about 400 of those 700 hours are on survival) but my only experience with nuka world has come from youtube videos. Planning out my settlements is something I've done for almost every playthrough but this time I've incorporated raider settlements into it Yeah, I meant first time in Nuka World, not first time through main story.
Most of my hours came from survival, 80 on very hard. I've never used fast travel once since buying the game haha.Anyways, I just went through it blind. For my raider character I'm doing the main story with the railroad as I feel it will weaken the main players in the Commonwealth for my raider takeover.
Also I've never done it with them before:D. Originally posted by:Not my first time with the game.
Just my first time with this DLC. I've got over 700 hours played over vanilla and automatron on PS4 but moved to PC recently and got all the DLC. I never finished far harbor on PS4 and never even had nuka world on PS4 either so I felt like becoming a raider this time.I'm pretty well versed with the game and survival mode (about 400 of those 700 hours are on survival) but my only experience with nuka world has come from youtube videos. Planning out my settlements is something I've done for almost every playthrough but this time I've incorporated raider settlements into it Yeah, I meant first time in Nuka World, not first time through main story.
Most of my hours came from survival, 80 on very hard. I've never used fast travel once since buying the game haha.Anyways, I just went through it blind. For my raider character I'm doing the main story with the railroad as I feel it will weaken the main players in the Commonwealth for my raider takeover. Also I've never done it with them before:DI was also thinking about taking the railroad ending. Since it would feel weird working with the minutemen and having preston be all chummy and then as soon as his quest dialogue is over it's 'I'm ashamed with you, get out of my sight'. I'd rather just send preston to the castle with the other minutemen so I don't have to worry about him again.I think I'm gonna continue the main story until I enter the institute and start act 3 of the main story. Then do nuka world since nothing in the story is necessarily urgent at that point since you have found your son and the main story is now about solving the struggles of the commonwealth.