And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out. Genre: INDIE / ALTERNATIVE. MP3 FLAC View more. MP3 Release (13) £8.99 Add. If you have ordered two pre-orders with the same date to ship together and then one release date gets pushed back, we will ship the available pre-order straight away and the second pre-order as soon as it becomes available. The organ-heavy grooves of Electr-O-Pura and the stark quietude of And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out. Have cemented Yo La Tengo's already burgeoning reputation among critics and college radio fans alike. Bebop Digital Similar Artists Imperial Teen, Luna, Sean Na.

Yo La Tengo have finally reached the upper echelon of society: yuppies! Amidst our flaring economy, the cash-obsessed, egocentric 'elite' have more cash to blow than ever before, and you know what that means: they're hip!

And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out Rar

The guitar work on this album is fantastic. Beautiful, eiry, minimal, doesnt sound like a guitar, ambient. Id say this is one of their best and most mature release thus far. It is so chill and beautiful. Sincere lyrics at points sung in a sweet off key manner as only yo la tengo can do over what sounds like a cr-78 drum machine (although quite possibly a Rhythm ACE, as I believe they use an organ from the same company ACETONE- anyways sort of clicky lofi cheap sounding) in places or brushed drums in others and low droney organs. The whole album has this soft melancholic atmosphere. Time slips in and out of place with snipits of reality intertwined.

Python file write ascii codec can encode character. UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u' u201c' in position 41333: ordinal not in range(128) Here is what I am doing in my code. I am reading an XML file and getting the text from the 'mydata' tag. Python bytestring: a series of bytes which represent a sequence of characters. It's default encoding is ASCII. This is the 'normal', non-Unicode string in Python encoding: a code that pairs a sequence of characters with a series of bytes. ASCII: an encoding which handles 128 English characters. UTF-8: a popular encoding used for Unicode. The first argument is converted to Unicode using the specified encoding; if you leave off the encoding argument, the ASCII encoding is used for the conversion, so characters greater than 127 will be treated as errors. S = u'La Pe xf1a' print s.encode('latin-1'). Write(s.encode('latin-1')) will encode using latin-1. Traceback (most recent call last): File ', line 1, in File 'encodings/', line 16, in decode UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u' u0411' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128).

Although it is very laid back, Id say it is quite abstract lounge music. The title of the album sort of sums it up. My only real complaint is the song Cherry Chapstick. Although it is really wicked, reminding me of their earlier intensity, it sort of sticks out like a sore thumb in comparison to the rest of the album. The last track is a fantastic droney ambient piece clocking in around 17minutes.