(, 09:04 PM)viirus Wrote: (, 07:41 PM)rudi2 Wrote: (, 06:48 PM)viirus Wrote: Nobody can`t help with this 2221-45 error????Hi,delete all filescom.daimler.xentry.diagservice.jarin FolderC:ProgrammeMercedes-BenzXentryfusokoeclipseplugins orC:Programme (x86).Then apply the 2221-45 fix for 05/2016 again.You should then find in the folder the file.com.daimler.xentry.diagservice1.6.0.05.jarRegardsRudiI solved problem, i make a copy from new xentry installation plugins and disable addons server proccess and all works fine.If someone install xdos openshell 05.2016 and need any help i have;1. Fresh addons plugins 06.2016 xdos openshell2.

The headphones are very nice. In your Windows Updates, re-install the Service Pack 2. A 00009 logitech drivers for mac.


2221-45 fixes3. Open.Shell.Xdos 05.20164. Das Standalone 05.20165. No das Key & Timeout fixes 05.20166. Xentry and Das keygen(, 09:14 PM)rudi2 Wrote: (, 09:04 PM)viirus Wrote: I solved problem, i make a copy from new xentry installation plugins and disable addons server proccess and all works fine.This is not a good solution. Folders factory 1.8 purchase for mac pro. You should install the ADDONs.RegardsRudiYes maybe, but what is better, ADDONS who dameged Xentry? Because this fixes what you write working on me first time, but when yestrday addons install new update this fixes no longer works.

I have installed 05.2016 XDOS on Win7 32bit, everything were ok during. (2221-45) No access authorization for XENTRY Diagnostic was found on the server. 2016.7V SD Connect C4 Software Display: 2016.07-das-xentry. Xentry DAS1; Xentry DAS 20121; Xentry Openshell XDOS Software1; Xentry.